One of the things I admired most about my mom was her ability to (at the risk of sounding cliché) "make a house a home." People always felt welcome. Her home was, and is still, beautiful, well-thought out and organized... but what I love most is that it feels "lived-in" and her own. She drew inspiration from Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, etc... but I honestly don't think she ever bought items from these places. Her home is uniquely her (our) own, filled with personal, welcoming touches from my sibling's art (too bad I didn't get that gene)... to her own creations (see one featured below)... to unique finds from etsy, Craig's list, etc. I am slowly trying to work to make my home (OK apt for now) feel at welcoming as hers. Here are a few of my latest additions.

nest pillow embroidered by mom, inspired by Pottery Barn.

Hyacinth, last flower mom planted, in dragonfly container from Michael's.

dragonfly windchime, purchased at Botanical Gardens when we went last week to celebrate mom's birthday

pretty spring flowers!
Absolutely love it. So so true. You'll do a wonderful job making your house (apt.) uniquely your (for now our :) own.