Well of course my thousands of blog readers have been eagerly waiting for me to return and have been wondering where I am. Hahahaha. But for real, as I am sure anyone who reads this blog knows.... we are expecting!! We are of course so excited and happy to now officially be in the second trimester. Our little one is already well-loved and we are counting down the days to meet him or her (still more than 180, at least we hope!)
Here's baby's first photo from a ultrasound two weeks ago today:

I am thinking about doing weekly blog updates about pregnancy and baby on the way. I have seen other blogs do this, and it can be a good record for us, and also a way to share with family that is not close by (meaning ALL of our family, unfortunately). So here's the update for this week:
How Far Along: 14 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Still in regular clothes, except one maternity shirt I don't quite need, but is really comfy!
Gender: We'll know sometime in late July/early August.
Movement: Haven't felt yet which is of course totally normally for how far along I am.
Cravings: So far my most common cravings have been ice cream and salty foods (soft pretzels, popcorn, etc). I am also obsessed with apples - actually had a dream about one last night!
Symptoms: I have been one of those really lucky pregnant women with no morning sickness. I have been a little more tired and can be forgetful. Also extremely congested and regular bloody noses.
Best Moment this week: snow day today!! After being in Columbia all week last week, and then driving back late Sunday night due to the crazy winter weather on the way, it was so nice to have our office closed today... and Kevin's was too! Of course he has worked for a good portion of the day, but we slept in and it has been super nice to have him around all day.
Photo: I will preface these by saying, yes, I realize I don't need the maternity shirt yet. But it was on sale, it is really, really comfortable, and also I am thinking about doing the weekly photos in this same shirt to better track "the bump."

Will share more soon! Miss you all!