For the past few years, I have come to really hate snow and winter weather. It is scary to drive in, makes getting to work a pain and is dangerous to walk in... BUT... because this year I am working from home, I have to admit I am learning to like snow again! Especially when it is enough to get Kevin's office closed for two days. It was so nice to have him at home. Also really nice to watch the pretty snow fall, see Cocoa hop around in it, bake cookies and enjoy being warm inside. So I guess that's my thing: If I can just stay inside and watch the snow, I can really enjoy it! I still do feel for people who have to drive (especially people this week who got stranded, got in accidents, etc.)
Here are some highlights from the 2011 Snowstorm

It is strange and exciting to think that a year from now, God-willing, we will have a 6-month-old at home with us. It makes me really glad I am due in summer - sure the heat will be miserable, but how scary would it be to go into labor with terrible roads and snow... and have family driving in this to come visit (or not able to come at all). I'll take the heat any day!
As I like to do, will end with a simple quote about family.
"Then come the wild weather, come sleet or come snow, we will stand by each other, however it blow."
(Simon Dach)
those cookies look really yummy :)