Here are a few updates:
How Far Along: 20 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10 lbs give or take (ok, probably give)
Maternity Clothes: Maternity pants and lots of sweats! Still can fit into normal shirts, but wearing some maternity as well.
Movement: Felt kicks for the first time about a week ago. Such an amazing feeling.
Cravings: Nothing really... I am waiting for my cravings to kick in. Nothing ever really sounds particularly good, except ice cream and fruit still.
Symptoms: Congestion, bloody noses still going on... otherwise feeling pretty darn good!
Best Moment this week: A week ago we saw baby on ultrasound and everything checked out great! Also starting to order items for the nursery and it's a lot of fun.

Nursery inspiration...

You look great and so does the baby! Love the posters so cute!