Arrival: Lily Jane was born on July 28 at 9:22 p.m., so just about 2 and a half hours "early." Sometimes I still hesitate when I tell people her birthday, because she was due on July 29, so I had that date in my head constantly for so many months. She was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was born after a long delivery that started with my water breaking at about 5 a.m.
Growth: Now, at four months, Lily is DOULBE what she was at her lowest weight (got down to 6 lb 9 oz and is now just about 14 pounds). She eats about 5-6 breastmilk bottles a day, and is the 50th percentile for height, weight and head... a very proportioned baby!
Personality: Lily is a generally very happy baby, loves to smile and laugh, "stand' with mom and dad's help and be walked around so she can look at things, lights in particular! She has always been very curious - she does not like being on her tummy, I think because she feels like she is missing out on seeing things. We are working on it and she gets better every day.
Sleep: If you would have told me when Lily was ten days old that she would be sleeping through the night before I knew it, I wouldn't have believed it. But here we are, with her sleeping from about 8:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. I know how lucky we are, and I hope I am not jinxing things by putting this in writing! Her napping isn't quite as consistent, but we are working on this, too.
My thoughts on motherhood: I feel so lucky every day to be Lily's mom. The cliches are true - being a mom has changed me and made me truly understand what "unconditional love" is. I treasure each day with her and look forward to the next.
Well, there are about a million more things I could say about Lily, being a mom and everything I look forward to, but it will have to wait for another day, as work, life and Lily call!
Well, there are about a million more things I could say about Lily, being a mom and everything I look forward to, but it will have to wait for another day, as work, life and Lily call!
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