I think we all experience moments in life when we would like to hide under the bed... maybe after a long, tiring day at the office... an occasion when we speak before we think... to avoid doing something we're dreading. Well, lately Cocoa has been finding reasons to hide under the bed. For contentment? Because she's scared? Sad because she's alone more (my work schedule, Kev's studing, Mag back to school)? Sick? Any of these
reasons are possible. For now, I can't decide whether I am worried or think it's cute. Only time will tell.

P.S. Sorry for two posts in a row about Cocoa!
stella gets under the bed all the time! i think they do it because they're in a warm, dark, close space environment and they feel good under there. at least that's what i tell myself because stella goes under there a lot and she'll stay under for a while so i think i just don't want to think she's afraid of me or sad when i'm around....