As I graduated high school, OAR was very popular and their song “Home” reminded me of leaving behind close friends as we went to college, but knowing we could always come home and reconnect.
I feel home,
when I see the faces that remember my own
I feel home,
when I'm chillin outside with the people I know.
I feel home,
and that's just what I feel.
because home to me is reality
During college, as I actually got much closer with my parents and was constantly homesick, I remember listening to the live version of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Homeward Bound” on my way back to Columbia. It always gave me comfort, especially knowing there was about an 80 percent chance I would be homeward bound in just a few days.
Like emptiness in harmony I need someone to comfort me.
Homeward bound,
I wish I was,
Homeward bound
The summer I moved back in with my parents after graduating college, Michael Buble’s song “Home” was popular. It was a perfect summer song, and one of the American Idol contestants that mom and I liked, Elliot Yamin, even performed it live on the show. It is cheesy, but the song reminded me that no matter how exciting people’s lives seem, there is often nothing better than being at home.
Another summer day
Has come and gone away
In Paris and Rome
But I wanna go home
Last summer, as I was facing some challenges, I fell in love with the movie Away We Go and really enjoyed the soundtrack, featuring many songs from Alexi Murdoch. The song “Orange Sky” is really beautiful (actually also in another great movie, Garden State) and just reminds me of family and the idea that the ones we love are our “home.” It made me appreciate my family so much, especially Kevin, during that time in my life.
When I am alone
When I've thrown off the weight of this crazy stone
When I've lost all care for the things I own
That's when I miss you, that's when I miss you, that's when I miss you
You who are my home
You who are my home
Finally, my latest obsession with a song about home is “Home” from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. What a powerful, beautiful, uplifting song!! And I know it is cheesy again but I love the idea that this song emphasizes that home is not a place. It is a state of being, with the people we love.
Ahh Home. Let me go home.
Home is wherever I'm with you.
Ahh Home. Let me go ho-oh-ome.
Home is where I'm alone with you...
My home:

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